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Each month Canadian Vendex Financial Corp publishes interesting,
intuitive, and up-to-date newsletters... it's existing clients, new visitors of this website and anybody who wants to know more about how this company can help them with their future. Please choose from the following options, which newsletter you would like to view online. The Email Newsletter Online is also available through a directly emailing subscription for offline viewing, if you like.
Investor Letter
(.pdf format) Lessons
in Tax Efficient Investing
format) Canada Now a Middle-Aged Country: Statistics Canada (.pdf format) "Baby
boomers have started reshaping the demographic map of Canada again, as
they enter late middle age. Statistics Canada released the second round of
data from the 2001 census recently. The data covering age and sex reveals
dramatic changes in Canada’s population that have ramifications for
financial advisors and their clients. In short, we are a nation with older
workers, fewer young workers, more octogenarians and fewer babies."
"According to United Secretary-General
Kofi Annan the unprecedented aging of the world’s population is becoming
the dominant theme of this century. In addition, one of the key elements
of this demographic trend, said Annan, is the adequacy of the pensions and
financial resources of the elderly."
Email Newsletters Online The Archives Once again, thank you very much for your visit. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have regarding your financial future, and how we can help make it better. Canadian Vendex |